Health checkup & one month grocery distribution
Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Positive health
Other Heading
Old age home visit health checkup
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries
Benificiaries In Text
15 old age orphan women
Details Of Project
We visit Basavani savithramma Rama
Sharma Vrudhashrama we arrange
Health checkup by Dr.Ravishankar
Udupa to old age arphan women's
& _distribute free medicine. We gave
One month grocery,cleaning materials
,towels,fruits,sweets,essential things
and arrange tiffen& coffee, we spent
one & half hour with orphan old age
women we look happy with their face
Sharma Vrudhashrama we arrange
Health checkup by Dr.Ravishankar
Udupa to old age arphan women's
& _distribute free medicine. We gave
One month grocery,cleaning materials
,towels,fruits,sweets,essential things
and arrange tiffen& coffee, we spent
one & half hour with orphan old age
women we look happy with their face
Project Date
Year(From - To)