Awareness on Menstrual Hygiene
Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Menstrual hygiene management
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries

Details Of Project
Conducted an Awareness talk on Menstrual Hygiene for Adolescent women:: what is the reason for mensturation, how to manage Menstrual problems with proper diet and exercises, what are the options for safe use of sanitary pads and proper disposal ect through Power point presentation and video and distributed sanitizers and snacks to the students at JSS College for women, Saraswathi puram, Mysore.
The resource person was Miss.Amrita Srinivasan a student of Biology and Data science at Claremont McKenna College and President of Girls Power Central organization, Los Angeles, as joint project of all the Innerwheel clubs of Mysore.
The resource person was Miss.Amrita Srinivasan a student of Biology and Data science at Claremont McKenna College and President of Girls Power Central organization, Los Angeles, as joint project of all the Innerwheel clubs of Mysore.
Project Date
Year(From - To)