Positive health
Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Positive health
Other Heading
Orientation on Diabeties during pregnancy
Amount Spent

Details Of Project
Conducted an orientation program for the Pregnant women, regarding Diabetes at the time of Pregnancy at Govt. Hospital, Jayalaxmipuram, Mysore. as a joint project of all the Innerwheel clubs of Mysore.
Also donated
1.BP Kits 2 nos.
2.Stethoscope 2nos.
3. Water Dispensers 2 nos.
4. Children digital weighng machine.
5. Protein powder for Pregnant women.
6. Blankets.
Also donated
1.BP Kits 2 nos.
2.Stethoscope 2nos.
3. Water Dispensers 2 nos.
4. Children digital weighng machine.
5. Protein powder for Pregnant women.
6. Blankets.
Project Date
Year(From - To)