Talk on Behavioural approach
Main Heading
Handicap & Spastic - 2022
Amount Spent

Details Of Project
Our club believes in helping, caring and sharing. The mind of child is fragile. While every child needs love, encouragement, and support, kids with developmental disabilities need positive reinforcement even more - A joint project with IWCs of Mysuru was organised with Resource persons Dr.Nandini Keshav and PDC Mrs.Anuradha Nandakumar. They conducted an interactive session on "How to raise special children" with parents of children of Mathru Mandali School- Shishu Vikasa Kendra, for special children at Mathrumandali Special School, V V Puram, Mysuru.
On this occasion IWCs of Mysuru jointly donated 5 yoga mats, 2 Jamkhanas, 4 vegetable puzzles, 4 fruit puzzles, 1 set of fruits and vegetables model, 1 set animals model, Flash cards of English, Kannada, Numbers, fruits, vegetables, birds, colour, shapes, etc., for children use.
We also donated few gardening items like pots, buckets and pans for the benefit of the school. Perk chocolates and Biscuit packets for 30 students was distributed.
President Mrs.Rushmi Gowda exchanged the flag with Hon.Secretary Mrs. Vinkey Jain of IWC , Nagpur, Maharastra.
Time spent - 2 hrs
On this occasion IWCs of Mysuru jointly donated 5 yoga mats, 2 Jamkhanas, 4 vegetable puzzles, 4 fruit puzzles, 1 set of fruits and vegetables model, 1 set animals model, Flash cards of English, Kannada, Numbers, fruits, vegetables, birds, colour, shapes, etc., for children use.
We also donated few gardening items like pots, buckets and pans for the benefit of the school. Perk chocolates and Biscuit packets for 30 students was distributed.
President Mrs.Rushmi Gowda exchanged the flag with Hon.Secretary Mrs. Vinkey Jain of IWC , Nagpur, Maharastra.
Time spent - 2 hrs
Project Date
Year(From - To)