Blood donation camp at K R Hospital
Main Heading
Other Medical Assistance - 2022
Sub Heading
Blood donation
Amount Spent

Details Of Project
On 27th January 2023, with the guidance and support of Dr. Manjunath, Blood Bank, K. R. Hospital, Voluntary blood donation camp was conducted. We sponsored fruit juice and biscuit packets to the blood donors. We are ever grateful to them, may god bless them with good health and happiness. 32 units of blood have been mobilised on the day.
We have received certificate of appreciation for the commitment and dedication to recruiting, educating and inspiring blood donors to ensure a safe and adequate blood supply for patients in need.
Time spent - 3 hrs
We have received certificate of appreciation for the commitment and dedication to recruiting, educating and inspiring blood donors to ensure a safe and adequate blood supply for patients in need.
Time spent - 3 hrs
Project Date
Year(From - To)