Sponsor finance to deserving women
Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Helping women in difficult circumstances
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries
Benificiaries In Text
1 Lady

Details Of Project
On 11th May 2023, the biggest obvious beneft to women supporting woman is friendship. This is a fundamental to a human being's happiness and for a woman it can be an essential part of a balanced life often times other women are necessary sounding board to get through a personal struggle.
The woman performs the role of wife, partner, organiser, administrator, director, recreator, economist, mother, teacher, health officer, artist and queen in the family at the same time. Apart from it, woman plays a key role in the socio-economic development of the society.
Mrs. Shilpa (lost her husband a year back) working as a cook and warden at Louie Braille Charitable Trust was helped by sponsoring Rs.5,000/- to support education of her children.
Cheque was presented to her by President Mrs.Rushmi Gowda in the presence of President Mr.Yogesh, Secretary Mr.Lokesh and Trustee Mr.Pandu of the Charitable trust and IWCMW Editor Mrs.Shashikala Suresh attended.
Time spent - 30 minutes
The woman performs the role of wife, partner, organiser, administrator, director, recreator, economist, mother, teacher, health officer, artist and queen in the family at the same time. Apart from it, woman plays a key role in the socio-economic development of the society.
Mrs. Shilpa (lost her husband a year back) working as a cook and warden at Louie Braille Charitable Trust was helped by sponsoring Rs.5,000/- to support education of her children.
Cheque was presented to her by President Mrs.Rushmi Gowda in the presence of President Mr.Yogesh, Secretary Mr.Lokesh and Trustee Mr.Pandu of the Charitable trust and IWCMW Editor Mrs.Shashikala Suresh attended.
Time spent - 30 minutes
Project Date
Year(From - To)