Menstrual Hygiene
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Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Menstrual hygiene management
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Details Of Project
W-Women and adolescent girl welfare
Adolescent health encompasses changing transitions within multiple domains including the physical, social, emotional , cognitive and intellectual.
Poor menstrual hygiene, can pose "serious health risks".
Our club( Inner Wheel club of Mysore Gold ) on 22nd August, along with all IWC of Mysuru city arranged an awareness talk on Menstrual Hygiene for Adolescent women, at JSS college for women, Saraswathipuram , Mysore .
Resource person of this program was Miss Amrita Srinivasan , student of Biology and Data Science at Claremont McKenna College, Los Angeles .
Adolescent health encompasses changing transitions within multiple domains including the physical, social, emotional , cognitive and intellectual.
Poor menstrual hygiene, can pose "serious health risks".
Our club( Inner Wheel club of Mysore Gold ) on 22nd August, along with all IWC of Mysuru city arranged an awareness talk on Menstrual Hygiene for Adolescent women, at JSS college for women, Saraswathipuram , Mysore .
Resource person of this program was Miss Amrita Srinivasan , student of Biology and Data Science at Claremont McKenna College, Los Angeles .
Project Date
Year(From - To)