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Annual Report

Inner Wheel Club of Mysore Gold

Annual Report

from 1st of July 2022 to 30th June 2024

INNER WHEEL YEAR 2022 - 2024


Name of Club: Inner Wheel Club of Mysore Gold

Membership Strength: 24

Date of Inauguration:

Date of Charter Presentation:

Charter Number: 6679

Number of meeting conducted: 10

Number of districs events attended: 6

Number of national events attended:

Event Information

Events No Of Members Attended Percentage of attendance
District Assembly
District ISO Meet
District Rally
District Conference
Webinar – 1
Webinar -2
Triennial Conference

Meeting Information

Date Meeting Description No. of members attended
First General Body Meeting - Briefing on annual fee, flags, project planning.
Second General Body Meeting - Orientation for new members.
Third General Body Meeting - Upcoming project discussed, previous project report submitted.
Fourth General Body Meeting - Discussed on Breast Cancer awareness project
Executive Committee Meeting - Chairmans official visit details
Fifth General Body Meeting - Presented project report of Breast Cancer & future project was discussed.
Sixth General Body Meeting - Deepawali Celebration & Transgender Project discussion
Seventh General Body Meeting - Distribution of tickets for transgender event & responsibilities discussed.
Eighth General Body Meeting - Accounts of transgender project was submitted & possible business ideas discussed for transgender.
Ninth General Body Meeting - Online - Clarification of future projects
Executive Committee Meeting - Online - Discussion of Ondhu Mushti Akki joint project
10th General Body Meeting - Online - Discussion on Anemia camp for house maids.

Project Details

Heading Number of projects conducted Number of hours spent No of beneficiaies Total amount spent

Club Events


Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Any new beginning when started by the blessings of our elders brings prosperity and good luck. Our club also believes in this saying. So, on the day of our installation ceremony, our club donated 5 hand woven mats to the Sevayana Trust (old age home ).
Mr Srinidhi trustee of Balya Foundation provided the mats for this project .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 25
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Innerwheel Club of Mysore Gold thought of
Honoring Doctors for Their Extraordinary Efforts and their hard work and commitment, especially during this health care crisis. We all know we are going through a challenging time, and we would like to express how much we appreciate everything they are doing to take care of patients and to take care of each other.
Thus our Club came up with a novel idea of giving Doctor Sushmitha Ompraksh a relaxing day and arranged for a pedicure and manicure session for her.
The doctor was overwhelmed by this gesture and readily accepted the session.
We the members of the cub really had a sense of satisfaction for having taken up this as a project this doctor's day.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Mother (Amma) , a place no one can take. The emotion which no one can express. It is such a special feeling you have for this parent.
To celebrate her being we had a lunch get together at our club member Mamtha's residence.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 9
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 40

DISTRICT CHAIRMAN - Mrs. Kavita Niyath
Club President - Mrs.Uma Anil
Project numbers-35
The month of March upholds the achievements of women, recognises her challenges and also focus greater attention on her rights.
Thus, Innerwheel Club of Mysore Gold came up with a unique project name " IT'S ABOUT TIME" the project which laid emphasis on the men experience the Period Cramps and Labour Pain.
VO2 Max a physiotherapy unit and the Proprietor Shri Pinakin came forward to join with us for the project who through the machine designated made the men experience the pain for them to empathize better with the women of their respective family.
Mr Dhanasekaran and Mr Kumar ,Center Head of Nexus mall were kind enough to permit us to conduct the event at the mall Atrium.
His honour Sri Gadigeppa Sannabasappa Sangareshi the Principal & District Sessions Judge, Mysore was more than happy to join us in this project and graced the occassion by inaugurating the same.
Dr Sarika Prasad , Pediatrician, PDC of Innerwheel Club Dist 318, the founder and mother of our club graced the occassion with her presence and addressed the audience.
The highlighters the men of Mysore city came forward enthusiastically and experienced the pain and were overwhelmingly responsive in their emphatic feedback.
The event that commenced around 6.30 Pm was concluded at 9 PM with a bang on Success.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 37

Daughters are so special, they make a place in your heart and life in such a way that wherever they are and whatever age they are we always crave for their nearness. Daughters always make our life special.
To celebrate this bond we conducted a competition. We had many entries and again it was tough to make the decision .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 19
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project 17.1

Being a Grandparent Means Being a Role Model

They are source of knowledge that comes from a place of unconditional love and support. From simple life lessons to cultivating friendships, grandkids often get much of their life-advice from the seniors in their lives.
Our rich heritage and culture shows how we live together in a joint family and the values we get to learn.
We thought of having a competition where the inner wheel members who are grandparents can exhibit how they are inculcating values in their grandchildren and how much time they are spending with them. We got 136 entries from the whole country. It was a tough competition and 4 members from different districts won the prizes.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 136
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 39

How can we forget that every life begins with a woman. On this Women’s Day let’s show some love to every women in our lives. Women are a epitome of courage and strength.
On the occasion of International women's day our club felicitated 3 women achievers who are fighting against all odds every moment of their lives at Mathrumandali Shishu Vikasa.
Details of these women are:
1. Anita Ravindra- Economics graduate who lost her left limb in an accident and AHM at Demonstration school
2. Vinutha .R - A mother of a special child who studied to be a special educator and has been serving as a special educator at Mathrumandali shihu vihara
3. Amrutha Shivanand - who has been serving as a special educator at Mathrumandali shihu vikasa
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 3
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 30
The love between a mother and daughter is forever. The bond between their hearts is unbreakable. A mother's love is always with her children. Losing a mother is one of the deepest sorrows a heart can know
On the death ceremony of her mother, Inner wheel Club Of Mysore Gold secretary Mrs Prema Ravi visited Sai Natha old age home and spent time with old people. There she donated blankets, biscuits and fruits. All the old people of that ashram were very happy and blessed Prema .

Amount spent: sponsored by Mrs Prema Ravi
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 20
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project: 29

Our club participated in a joint project of all IWC Of Mysore. We organised a workshop on adolescent issues for government school teachers. It was organised in Vignan Bhavan, University of Mysore campus on 07/ 01/2023.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
W-Women and adolescent girl welfare
Adolescent health encompasses changing transitions within multiple domains including the physical, social, emotional , cognitive and intellectual.
Poor menstrual hygiene, can pose "serious health risks".
Our club( Inner Wheel club of Mysore Gold ) on 22nd August, along with all IWC of Mysuru city arranged an awareness talk on Menstrual Hygiene for Adolescent women, at JSS college for women, Saraswathipuram , Mysore .
Resource person of this program was Miss Amrita Srinivasan , student of Biology and Data Science at Claremont McKenna College, Los Angeles .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 300
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project : 27
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. All of us have seen transgenders in street begging or clapping or dancing or doing many other odd jobs. Our InnerWheel Club of MYSORE gold secretary Mrs. Prema Ravi feels genuinely for them. She’s always ready to help and support them in all possible ways. On the day of fashion show Mrs. Prema Ravi donated grocery packets worth Rs: 10,000/- to transgender community.
Expenditure of project: 10,000/-
Beneficiaries : Many
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 6
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
There is no exercise better for heart than reaching out and lifting people up." YOU have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you ."
A girl named Mallika had an operation of kidney and pancreas dual organ surgery at Apollo hospital Mysore, it costed her around 15 lakh rupees. Now she needs another 5 lakh rupees for treatment and monthly medicines. She requested our club for financial help. Our club members generously helped the needy.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time
Our club had earlier conducted an educative programme “PRIDE “i.e., the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality and increased visibility of the transgender people as a social group to commemorate the birthday celebration of Pavan son of our secretary Mrs. Prema Ravi. She also distributed food kits to the Transgenders present that day to ease them out from the grave situation of COVID pandemic and also conducted a health check-up camp with the assistance of Asha Kiran Hospital Mysore. It is from that date that the club is associated with Smt. Pranathi Prakash, State Convener and also the board member of Ashodaya Samithi Mysore. And as such Smt Pranitha Prakash expressed during a beauty pageant programe held at Mysore where Smt. Prema Ravi, our Club secretary won the title, that it would be a great opportunity if the society could provide an opportunity for the transgenders to participate in such beauty contest/ Fashion shows. This was the day from when Our Club President and Secretary Smt Uma Anil and Smt Prema Ravi
Started to think of this very seriously and thus conceptualised the great event of SHE A Fashion show for INCLUSION. It definitely was a bold step taken by the Club embers to ahead with the project with all concerted efforts put in by our President and Secretary.
We did good response from the public I,e, the citizens of Mysore who gladly purchased the tickets for the event and encouraged us to go ahead. The Intent for the above event is much broader as the club intents to provide this Transgender self-sufficiency and has thought of helping them with setting up a restaurant or likewise with the help of Mysore Corporation Authorities. The first step towards this was that of Mrs Poornima Umesh, Head of Hindi department. St. Philomenas College Mysore, voluntarily conducted a fun fare event at the college with the assistance of hindi department and students, and the income derived from the event was donated to Our club. The Fashion Show was Sponsored by:
1. Silent shores resorts and spa host sponsors
2. BIT travel and stay sponsors
3. Rocket Events LED backdrop sponsors
4. Nexus Mysore stage sponsors
5. Naturals hairstyling
6. Toffles Costume sponsors
7. Bridal makeup artists Makeup Sponsors
8. Loyal World

The event would not have received applauds and appreciation without the hard and consistent efforts put in by Shri Rajesh Shetty - well known fashion designer and choreographer, spending his precious 3days in Mysore with us grooming the transgenders to models, accessorising their costumes from his collection and choreographing their Ramp walk which was feast to the eyes for all those who were present there and even brought tears of Joy to some.
Not to Miss the Masters of Ceremony Mr Srinidhi student of NIE college and Ms Sahana student of SJCE Mysore who with their friendly disposition, humour and ability to keep the audience at ease made the function flow smoothly.
The Club places on record the Dance and Singing performance by the students of SJCE which was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.
The whole event was a very Grand Success and We the Members of Inner Wheel Club of Mysore Gold Stand with Pride for having taken a first small foot step in this great changeover and Inclusion which was first of its kind in Mysore.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 14

Environment - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
There was a candle light protest conducted by Let's Do it Mysore, where innerwheel club of Mysore Gold also took part. This protest was to save the heritage buildings of Mysore. It was to make a call to the district authorities to wake up and save our heritage buildings. There were around 200 to 250 participants, and innerwheel club of Mysore Gold also participated in this.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Citizens of Mysuru
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
A day with Soligas
Our club( Inner Wheel club of Mysore Gold) arranged a full day trip on world wildlife day (4th Sep) and spent it with Soligas.
Soligas are an indigenous tribe of Karnataka, inhabiting the peripheral forest areas near Bilgiri Rangana Hills and Male Mahadeshwara in Chamrajnagar district. Traditionally they have been dependent on the forests for their livelihood .
Our club arranged a bus and 53 members were taken to the forest. We spent almost 3 to 4 hours travelling with them through the forest and seeing the different capabilities of theirs like women wearing sarees climbing trees, their dance, their stories and there history. We donated them groceries(ragi flour, chickpeas etc.) from our club. We donated used clothes, which were in very good condition. They were very happy and requested us to keep in touch and provide them whatever they want.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 300

Cancer - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
On 16/10/2022 on our club's District Chairman's official visit , we arranged a breast cancer awareness program as our project of the day. District Chairman Mrs. Kavitha Niyath inaugurated the cancer awareness program organised with Narayana Hrudhalaya hospital. Dr. Mekhla Swethadri ( Radiation Oncologist) gave a talk about breast cancer in detail for about an hour.
After a tea break a Q & A session was there with the audience. After that all the tests were done and lunch was served to everyone who came.
Test conducted - iBreast, pap smear, echo, ECG, BP, blood test
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 160
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project: 32

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month .so our club on 23/01/2023 organised a cervical cancer Awareness program and General checkup for Staff and students of Maharani's Women's and Commerce and Management College Mysore. This program was done in association with Youth Red Cross Unit, IQAC and Narayana multi speciality hospital Mysore.
Resource person for this program was Dr.Suhas K R (consultant surgical Oncology& Expert in Hipec & Robotic Surgeon)
In this program doctor explained in detail about cervical cancer, its causes and preventive measures.
Program was attended by more than 300 students.
After the event a General checkup and Pap smear test was also conducted.
Beneficiaries: Many
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 300

Anemia - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 43

Also called: lack of blood
A condition in which the blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells.
Anaemia results from a lack of red blood cells or dysfunctional red blood cells in the body. This leads to reduced oxygen flow to the body's organs.
Our club helped 20 needy women to get a complete health checkup along with a doctor giving them a talk about causes of anemia.
Tests done
Consultation with doctor
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 20

Education - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Children With special needs come into our lives, leaving footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same . Our club believes in helping, caring and sharing.
On 26th July 2022, all IWC of Mysuru city arranged a talk on how to raise special children at Mathrumandali special school, VVPuram, Mysuru.
Dr. Nandini Keshav, a neuro therapist addressed the gathering and Mrs. Anuradha Nandkumar shared her experiences as a parent of special children.
The mind of child is fragile. While every child needs love , encouragement, and support, kids with developmental disabilities need positive reinforcement even more .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Education provides stability in life, and It's something that no one can take away from us . There are so many school children who want to get good education but need stationary and other basic items.
Our club ( Inner Wheel club of Mysore Gold) did a joint project today with the other 7 clubs of Mysore and distributed school notebooks and sanitary pads in Vanitha Sadhana School .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 200
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 36

Our club did a joint project and organised a counselling program for children in Mathrumandali school on exam fear. The resource person for this program was Mr.Shrinivas C S , who is a founder of SPACE ACADEMY. He established SPACE ACADEMY in 2001and influenced more than 800 children of 10th std, within
9 years, through his Flagship Program 'TURNING POINT' where he concentrated on getting children to become Self Learners.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 120
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
One of the largest democracies in the world, India celebrated its 75th independence day on August 15, 2022. This day marks the historic occasion as we (Indians) secured independence from colonial rule after two hundred years of oppression and suppression under the Britishers.
This year the government of India has organized several events under ' Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav ' with the theme ' Nation First Always First' .
To mark this day our club ( Inner Wheel Club of Mysore Gold) celebrated with special children of Mathrumandali Special School . There were around 50 members to grace the occasion which included children and staff and trustees of the trust.
Children danced for Jai Ho song. Special attraction of the day was a energetic, patriotic kathak dance performance by our PDC Dr Sarika Prasad . We distributed sweets and Tricolor badges. Children enjoyed the program thoroughly.
Freedom does not come without price neither did ours. We have fought hard to earn it, so let's celebrate our freedom, Never let go of it and always carry it in our heart. Happy Independence Day !!
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 50
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project: 30

On the occasion of International Innerwheel Day , our club donated, books, charts and shoe stands to Gokulam Higher Primary School.
List of donated items:
Shoe stands 4 numbers
4 line books -20
Single line books - 20
Charts - 20
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 60
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project: 33

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing
Normally the body's natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, keep bacteria under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease.
Our club Inner wheel club of Mysore Gold in association with JSS dental college and hospital organised a dental checkup and treatment for the students of Ashokpuram Railway workshop Higher Primary School.
We distributed biscuits, toothpaste and toothbrush to all the students.
After the program we provided lunch also for all the children.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 65

Other Medical Assistance - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 35
Today we did 5th joint project from all clubs of MYSURU
We donated
1. BP monitor (2nos)
2. Stethoscope (2nos)
3. 30ltrs water dispenser (2nos)
4. Digital weighing machine for children
5. Blankets (25nos)
6. Protein powder
7. Glucose pkts
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries

Breast Feeding Awareness Week - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Women and adolescent girl welfare
World breast feeding week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August to encourage breast feeding and protect the health of the mother and baby .
On this occasion our club conducted a breast feeding awareness program at Cheluvamba Hospital on 11th August. Dr Mamtha gave a talk and enlightened the new mothers the importance of breast feeding. Dr. Rajendra and Dr. Shivram were also present.
Breastfeeding nighties were given to all the new mothers.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 24

Community Service - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Giving is not just about making a donation
It's about making a difference
Innerwheel club of Mysore Gold secreatary Mrs Prema Ravi donated *two ceiling fans* and
distributed fruits (Apple, Banana and Sweet Lime) to all the inmates of *Chiguru Foundation*as a
part of her birthday celebration. Prema spent Rs 3800/ on this project.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 30
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Children With special needs come into our lives, leaving footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same . Our club believes in helping, caring and sharing.
On 26th July 2022, all IWC of Mysuru city arranged a talk and donation for special children at Mathrumandali special school, V.V.Puram, Mysuru.
On this occasion, each IWC club of Mysore donated 1000 rupees. With the total collected amount, these items were donated:
5 yoga mats
2 Jimakhana/ floor mats
4 Vegetable puzzle
4 Fruit puzzle
1 set Fruits and vegetables model
1 set Animals model
Flash cards :
- Alphabets English
- Alphabets Kannada
- vegetables
- fruits
- numbers
- Birds
- color & shapes
- Animals
10 plastic ಬಿಂದಿಗೆ
4 plastic ಬಾಣಲಿ
2 plastic Buckets
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 50
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
The Indian Army didn't give up a single inch of ground and battled *to their last breath
On Kargil Vijay Diwas our club planned to educate children about the sacrifices of our brave soldiers. It is very important for every Civilian to understand that Kargil is not a story of just winning, it's a story of pain with pride, it's a story when we will have tears of grief with a joyful smile. A story where death is not THE END.
We all salute to Indian Army .
.We IWC of Mysore Gold commemorated the sacrifices made by our soldiers by giving a pep talk to the children of Mahajana Public School , Jaylakshmipuram.
The guest speaker was Col. Gokul.
Jai Hind
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 600
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 38

Our club did a joint project of all the inner wheel Clubs of Mysuru, which was hosted by Inner Wheel Club Of Mysore West by sponsoring PODIUM to the Rotary school of Mysore West, Kanakadasanagar, Mysore
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project: 28

Expenses :- 8000/-
₹1000/- from each club
Time: 1hr
Beneficiaries: Many
Today all 8clubs from Mysore conducted joint project
We donated water dispenser to Bharath cancer hospital.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
"We Care" an NGO run by Mrs. Kumudhini Acchi had organised a cultural event today at Ghanabharathi, Kuvempunagar. Dr. Sarika being a trustee of the organisation invited us and we took the children of Mathru mandali special school and we took it up as our project.
Expenses for the project were Nill
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 30
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
*Mahatma Gandhi*
On the occasion of *Gandhi jayanti*our club members cleaned a public area and created
awareness of cleanliness.
We co sponsored breakfast from our club at the cost of Rs 1000/.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Citizens
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Innerwheel club's immediate past president Mrs. Prathiba Rao went as a scribe for a visually impaired by name Manjunath H.C for Railway Exam. Club members are proud and applaud Prathiba for her service
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1

Handicap & Spastic - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Special children welfare
The bond of a mother and her child is very special. Our club secretary Mrs. Prema Ravi , on her son's birthday, missed him a lot as he lives in Australia these days. She tried an innovative way of celebrating her son's birthday meaningfully. This year, she celebrated her son's birthday with specially abled children and tried to give them immense happiness
. The cultural -cum-sports event was held for special children in Sri Prasanna Parvathi Kalyan Mantap . Swamiji Sri Yukteshananda of Sri Ramakrishna Vidhyashala inaugurated the ceremony. Sri Gowri Shankar (Bhavykaya Balaga) &
Smt. Varsha Vijay Balyanda ( social worker) were guest of honor.
A drawing competition was held for special children and prizes were distributed. There was also arrangement for entertainment of children. All the children sang and danced and enjoyed thoroughly. A big birthday cake was cut and distributed to everyone and lunch was served.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries

Fellowship - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Friendship day is observed on August 7 every year . On this day we especially thank our friends for being such an amazing part of our life. Friends are those strong ties that are purely formed out of love and respect for one another, regardless of their age, race or religion.
Our innerwheel club of Mysore Gold organised a fun filled gala event to celebrate friendship day
Mathrumandali School Hall was decorated tastefully by our club members. More than 90 people attended the program. Guests had lot of fun with fun-filled games, music ,dance and enjoyed each others company. Loads of prizes were given and at the end of the program High Tea was served.
Friends bring more happiness in our lives than virtually anything else .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 90
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Having friendly relations with other clubs helps in strengthening the purpose for which we all are working thus motivating us to do more impactful work .
14 members of Ooty Keeti Valley Club DIST 320 came to Mysore. We 8 club of Mysore jointly organized lunch and hosted them and gave goody bags containing , agarbatti, sandal soap, a fridge magnet having Mysore Palace picture. Our club ( Innerwheel club of Mysore Gold) organized two games and gave prizes . They spent good two hours with us and were very happy.
The expenditure for the Lunch and gifts for guest club members was shared by all 8 clubs of Mysore.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 14

Indian Art & Culture - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Indian Art and Culture
The festival of Rakshabandhan is "observed as a symbol of love , duty and respect between" brothers and sisters .
The occasion is meant to celebrate any type of brother "sister relationship between men and women who may not be" biologically related .
The century old Mysore Pinjrapole society is doing an excellent work by providing shelter to innumerable cattle and other animals who have been discarded by their owners .
Our( Innerwheel Club of Mysore Gold) celebrated Raksha Bandhan at Pinjrapole. We tied Rakshasutra to 20 volunteers to honor them for their selfless service. Those volunteers collected Rs 5000/ amongst themselves and donated to Pinjrapole society. Club members spent time and observed the arrangement done for the cows and other animals.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Beneficiaries
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project: 21
Gombe Habba or festival of dolls is celebrated by enthusiastic individuals during Dasara/Navaratri each year. The Festival of Dolls involves collecting a wide range of dolls, presenting them in a multi-stage platform and inviting friends to come over and have a look.
Our club believes in continuing and encouraging our tradition. Mysore is known for this heritage festival.
We organised a competition and visited the top 10 entry houses along with the judge curator Mr. Raghu of the famous Bombe Mane of Mysore. The prizes were distributed at the Bombe Mane premises. All the participants were invited and high tea arranged . All participants received a certificate and medal . The winners were awarded trophies and certificates.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 25
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Beautification of Indian Culture is their festivals and their celebrations. Festivals play an important role in our lives. They add joy and happiness in our lives . They help us to rejoice special moments with our loved ones. Our club celebrated Varalakshmi festival together. Club Secretary Mrs. Prema Ravi arranged grand Pooja in her house. She invited us to her house, served snacks gave haldi kumkum to all of us and presented us a special Vaishno Devi coin along with Tamboola. Together we did Aarti and Pooja.
Together as club members we prayed and enjoyed.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 14
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 16

Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur
Onam ( IPA: [oɳam]) is an annual Indian harvest festival celebrated predominantly by the people of Kerala. A major annual event for Keralites, it is the official festival of the state and includes a spectrum of cultural events. Onam, Thiruvonam. Flower Rangoli (pookalam) is an Onam tradition.
Since our club consists of ladies from varied culture and states, we believe in staying bonded by celebrating festivals together.
Shalini our club member invited all of us to have Onam sadhya, which was yummilicious.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries

Continuous projects - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Project - 41

Inner wheel club of Mysore Gold
District Chairman - Mrs. Kavita Niyath
Club President - Mrs. Uma Anil
Project number-36
Annadanam" is made up of two words - 'Annam' which means food and 'danam' which means the act of giving or donating. Annadanam is called the 'Mahadanam' among the various kinds of danam. Charity in the form of annadanam is a way in which you can contribute to life itself. The wise men of ancient India called hunger the greatest disease. It is a disease that afflicts everyone and there is no cure for it.The Puranas say that the stomach is like an 'agni kund' that plays host to fire - one among the 'panchabhoots' that our body is made up of. It demands offerings in the form of food constantly and regularly.

If the offering is denied, life ceases to exist and the body becomes empty. Helping to provide for this agni kund is more virtuous than performing thousands of yagnyas.
We Inner Wheel Club of Mysore Gold along with 7 other clubs of Mysore donated Rs. 10000/- towards Akshaya Patra foundation which feeds 20000 children everyday in Mysore.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many Benificiaries