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About International Inner Wheel

History of International Inner Wheel

The History of Inner Wheel Movement unfolds a fascinating picture of its origin and development. Mr Paul Harris started the first Rotary Club in 1905 in Chicago to bring together professional men for friendship, fellowship and service. From one club it soon became a movement and spread to many countries. 

The wives of Rotarians (Rotary Anns) in England joined hands to help their husbands with social work undertaken by the Rotary club. Friendship brought them closer and they felt that if they organized their own club they could work better. 

On 15th November 1923, twenty seven Rotary wives, led by Mrs. Margarette Oliver Golding met in a cooling room (because it was free of charge) at Herriot’s Turkish Baths, St Mary’s Street, Deansgate, Manchester. They discussed the possibilities of forming an independent ladies group run on Rotary lines. The objects of the club, they explained, would be, to foster friendship and to offer much more in the way of service. 

The new club met for the first time on 10th January 1924 at Social club in Lower Mosley Street, Manchester, which became their regular meeting place. After a great deal of discussion, it was decided to call the new club ‘Inner Wheel Club of Manchester’. This day, that is 10th January is observed as ‘World Inner Wheel Day’. Margarette Golding, the founder was elected as the First President and Mrs W.A. Nixon, as the first Secretary. Thirty members were present and six basic rules were agreed upon they were: 

1. The name shall be ‘The Inner Wheel’. 

2. The emblem shall be: the Rotary emblem wheel with a small wheel within it- the inner wheel. (Present logo). 

3. The Inner wheel year shall be from 1st July to 30th June. 

4. Inner Wheel shall not be Sectarian or party political. 

5. There shall be nomenclature for all offices. 

6. Official language shall be English. 

From the modest beginning on 10th January 1924 sprang a powerful movement. Many more clubs came into existence. They realized that unity is strength and had the wisdom to group clubs into Districts and then later to bring the Districts to form an Association, which further resulted in the formation of International Inner Wheel. The Wheel moved on and more members came into the fold with more number of clubs across the globe. 

We are all proud members of this International organization which has blossomed during last 98 years and which has given us a platform to serve. 

Inner Wheel Logo

logo right
The LOGO is obviously a gear wheel, The TEETH on the outside represent the clubs around the world, if one of these teeth breaks off, the gear may slip a bit, but it still works. The 6 SPOKES represent the officers and service committees & even if one of these fails, the movement will continue. The teech on the inside GEAR WHEEL represent the links with other organiztions and the charties and the work we do.


So don’t forget to oil the HUB, which helps to make the GEAR run smoothly.

The colour is also important which is ROYAL BLUE for the clubs.

There will be four areas of attention:




Founder of Inner Wheel
“The cradle that lit the flame of Inner Wheel”

Margaret Owen, Later Mrs. Oliver Golding the wife of a Manchester Rotarian, was born of Welsh parentage at Hey Brecon. She was trained as a nurse and served as such during the First World War. This triggered off a deep desire to help all ailing,deprived humanity. she was an ex tremely capable business woman and a great philanthropist, Her chief social interest being the Manchester Girls’ Orphanage, and Ancoats Hospital, for which the Inner Wheel Club of Manchester provided and furnished a mortuary chapel. She also did a great deal for the Girl Guide movement, in which she held the office of commissioner.

She formed directly and personally numerous clubs and several Districts and her inspiration is remembered to this day. She successfully achieved an even harder task in persuading members to look beyond their local concerns and become part of a greater whole.

Her’s was a vital personality combined with a clear brain and the ability to convey ideas to others. She was an excellent speaker and had a lively sense of humour which enriched her words. Nature had endowed her with the gift of inspiring friendship and even devotion. Her greatest attribute was courage and courage was what Inner Wheel needed in the beginning. Inner Wheel was firmly established during her lifetime upon the path which it was to follow thereafter.


1924 : 10th January, The first Inner wheel club ‘INNER WHEELCLUB OF

MANCHESTER’was inaugurated with Mrs. Oliver Golding as the

founder President and Mrs. Nixon as the Secretary.

1928 : The first Inner Wheel District No. 5 (England) was born.

1931 : The first Overseas Club was formed in Ballarat, Australia.

1934 : 6 May, the first Association of Inner Wheel in Great Britain and Ireland

came into being.

1936 : Since then the newly formed Inner Wheel Clubs were given a Certificate of Membership ‘The Charter’.

1947 : The word Great Britain and Ireland were removed and the Association was called Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in(Name of the County/ies)

1948 : The first overseas IW District was formed in Netherland. The same was later on numbered as District 26.

1962 : First time the Members from countries outside Great Britain and Ireland were invited to sit on the governing body.

1967 : 1 July, International Inner Wheel came into existence at Brighton. Mrs Lavender Weightman was the first IIW President.

1970 : The first IIW Convention was held in Hague, Netherlands.

1994 : First time IIW Board was reconstituted and 16 members were elected to the board. The post of National Representative was created by IIW.

2012 : IIW decided that, Women who have no connection to Rotarians and Inner Wheel members can be invited to join Inner Wheel.