Community Service
Main Heading
Community Service - 2022
No Of Beneficiaries

Details Of Project
Giving is not just about making a donation
It's about making a difference
Innerwheel club of Mysore Gold secreatary Mrs Prema Ravi donated *two ceiling fans* and
distributed fruits (Apple, Banana and Sweet Lime) to all the inmates of *Chiguru Foundation*as a
part of her birthday celebration. Prema spent Rs 3800/ on this project.
It's about making a difference
Innerwheel club of Mysore Gold secreatary Mrs Prema Ravi donated *two ceiling fans* and
distributed fruits (Apple, Banana and Sweet Lime) to all the inmates of *Chiguru Foundation*as a
part of her birthday celebration. Prema spent Rs 3800/ on this project.
Project Date
Year(From - To)