GrandParents Competition
Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Positive health
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries

Details Of Project
Project 17.1
Being a Grandparent Means Being a Role Model
They are source of knowledge that comes from a place of unconditional love and support. From simple life lessons to cultivating friendships, grandkids often get much of their life-advice from the seniors in their lives.
Our rich heritage and culture shows how we live together in a joint family and the values we get to learn.
We thought of having a competition where the inner wheel members who are grandparents can exhibit how they are inculcating values in their grandchildren and how much time they are spending with them. We got 136 entries from the whole country. It was a tough competition and 4 members from different districts won the prizes.
Being a Grandparent Means Being a Role Model
They are source of knowledge that comes from a place of unconditional love and support. From simple life lessons to cultivating friendships, grandkids often get much of their life-advice from the seniors in their lives.
Our rich heritage and culture shows how we live together in a joint family and the values we get to learn.
We thought of having a competition where the inner wheel members who are grandparents can exhibit how they are inculcating values in their grandchildren and how much time they are spending with them. We got 136 entries from the whole country. It was a tough competition and 4 members from different districts won the prizes.
Project Date
Year(From - To)