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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on December 22, 2021
Event Venue
Rotary Bhavana Shankerpura

 The  installation ceremony of the office bearers was held on July 17th at Rotary Bhavan Shankerapura.  Chief  guest on the occassion was Rtn. Flavia Menezes President of Rotary Shankerpura. Charter President of our club Smt. Leena mendonsa was installation officer.

Smt. Geetha  Crasta was  Installed  as President.

Smt. Shalini Chandra  as  Secretary.

Dr. Leena  D'mello as Treasurer.

Smt. Mabel martis as I.S.O  and Smt Shalet Alva as Editor

Year(From - To)