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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 15, 2022
9th march,2022
Event Venue

Innerwheel Club Of Surathkal celebrated women's day by inviting Smt. Jestalaxmi.B, Counselling psychologist and life skill trainer.

We also invited around 50 participants from surrounding women organization of Surathkal.

Jestalaxmi madam gave talk and solution on psychological issues faced by women post 40 years of age. She also conducted interactive sessions related to the subject. The audience actively participated and discussed common issues faced by them in reality.

Later we conducted variety fun activities and games from our club members to entertain the guests such as mono acting, best selfie competition, best traditional dressed competition etc.

Also we recognized all guests by giving mementos.

All of us had an insightful session and hearty time followed by mouth watering sumptuous lunch. 

Event Videos
Year(From - To)