Installation of PINK FIRST
Begin July, and it’s a new year and a new beginning to all the Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs. With Asha Mahesh at the helm of Inner Wheel Midtown this year, her team is all set to make an impact. IIW Theme for the year 2021-22 is “PINK FIRST” which is a flush of love, stands for nurturing femininity and a colour of empowerment. Following the footsteps of Rotary Midtown, Inner Wheel also had a hybrid Installation wherein only the board members were present for the changeover ceremony while all other guests attended the programme on the virtual Zoom platform. Installing officer, our own PDC Mrs. Chandrika Raghu did the honors of installing the new team members and spoke beautifully on how our club activities relate to each and every line of our Inner wheel prayer which we diligently follow. Club editor Chaitra Mohan had done a wonderful job with the club bulletin Aralu Mallige which was released by Rotary Midtown President and Secretary. Outgoing IW President Rashmi Kaveramma thanked everyone for supporting her during these testing times. She had indeed done a wonderful job with the given limited opportunities. MCs of the day Ashwini Prakaasha and Sheela Gopal were the melody queens who introduced the team members with a beautiful song relating to each one of them. To sum up, it was a crisp installation followed by pleasantries welcoming Hope and Positivity.