Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Positive health
Other Heading
Good /Bad Touch, Screen time Diet , physical Activity
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries
Benificiaries In Text
150 Students

Details Of Project
26th July Students of class 8, 9 and 10 of Milagres Kannada High School were given an Awareness Talk separately for boys and girls.
Girls were told about - Menstrual Care, Hygiene, How to preserve their Chastity.
Boys were told about good touch bad touch. Screen time, food and nutrition physical activity.Peer pressure, drug addiction, Adolescent behavior.
Dr Ashwin Kumar and Dr Indira Shanbogue were the Resource people .
Time 1 hr each
Girls were told about - Menstrual Care, Hygiene, How to preserve their Chastity.
Boys were told about good touch bad touch. Screen time, food and nutrition physical activity.Peer pressure, drug addiction, Adolescent behavior.
Dr Ashwin Kumar and Dr Indira Shanbogue were the Resource people .
Time 1 hr each
Project Date
Year(From - To)