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Fellowship - 2022
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Details Of Project
Aaati or Aashada is a month in tulu calender, which always accompanied by torrential rain. Olden days people followed strict diets, so that they can get immunity against health problems which occurs due to heavy rain. To mark the day we have had an one dish dinner by our members.
embers prepared more than thirty traditional delicacies by using naturally grown veggies around their home.
That day we had an talk about Aaati by chief guest Dr Priya Harish.
Same day we inducted honorary member Mrs. Veena T. Shetty , General Manager MRPL and one new member Mrs. Aajna.
embers prepared more than thirty traditional delicacies by using naturally grown veggies around their home.
That day we had an talk about Aaati by chief guest Dr Priya Harish.
Same day we inducted honorary member Mrs. Veena T. Shetty , General Manager MRPL and one new member Mrs. Aajna.
Project Date
Year(From - To)