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Community Service - 2022
Amount Spent

Details Of Project
On the occasion of Children's day and Kannada Rajyotsava, IWCMW conducted competitions for the children of Rotary West School, Saraswathipuram, Mysuru on 14th November 2022. Competitions like passing the ball, memory game, musical chair, Ashubhashana sparde was conducted.
On account of Children's day, PP Mrs. Shalini Chari gifted wild forest puzzle (from Disney Land, US) to the school worth 22$ (approx INR 1,760/-).
President Mrs. Rushmi Gowda, PP Mrs. Shalini Chari and Mrs. Shashikala Suresh attended.
Time spent - 4 hrs
On account of Children's day, PP Mrs. Shalini Chari gifted wild forest puzzle (from Disney Land, US) to the school worth 22$ (approx INR 1,760/-).
President Mrs. Rushmi Gowda, PP Mrs. Shalini Chari and Mrs. Shashikala Suresh attended.
Time spent - 4 hrs
Project Date
Year(From - To)