Main Heading
Education - 2022
Other Heading
Children's Day Celebration
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries
Benificiaries In Text
250 Arunodaya School, Navule, Shivamogga

Details Of Project
IWC Shimoga North has arranged sports competition to primary school children of Arunodaya School, Navule,Shimoga.
Sports events like Running, Jumpin, Bucket in the ball, Baloon bursting was arranged for children's from PREKG to 7th standard.
Prizes was distributed by the club to the winners and biscuits and chocolates was given to the children
Sports events like Running, Jumpin, Bucket in the ball, Baloon bursting was arranged for children's from PREKG to 7th standard.
Prizes was distributed by the club to the winners and biscuits and chocolates was given to the children
Project Date
Year(From - To)