Main Heading
Handicap & Spastic - 2022
Amount Spent

Details Of Project
Children with disabilities are like butterflies with a broken wing. they are just as Beautiful as all others, but they need help to spread their wings.
Bhaandavya, the flagship event of Rotary Mysore Midtown, is the sports event / sports Olympics for specially abled children. Children from many special schools in Mysore took part in the various sports competitions and were awarded medals and trophies. Mr. Prasannakumar, a Para Athlete was honoured on this occasion. Our club was associated with this event by being one of the sponsors.
Bhaandavya, the flagship event of Rotary Mysore Midtown, is the sports event / sports Olympics for specially abled children. Children from many special schools in Mysore took part in the various sports competitions and were awarded medals and trophies. Mr. Prasannakumar, a Para Athlete was honoured on this occasion. Our club was associated with this event by being one of the sponsors.
Project Date
Year(From - To)