Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Positive health
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries

Details Of Project
Our body can withstand almost anything. Its our mind that we have to convince.
We organized A Self-Defence training program jointly for our members and for the students of Trinity college. The Resource person was Mr. Karthik Kateel and his mother Mrs. Pushpalata. It was an amazing program with Mr. Karthik explaining us the different techniques to be used for defending ourselves against any threat from outside persons. He also briefed us about Cyber security. All those present were very eager to learn about this and also thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We spent about 2.5 hours.
We organized A Self-Defence training program jointly for our members and for the students of Trinity college. The Resource person was Mr. Karthik Kateel and his mother Mrs. Pushpalata. It was an amazing program with Mr. Karthik explaining us the different techniques to be used for defending ourselves against any threat from outside persons. He also briefed us about Cyber security. All those present were very eager to learn about this and also thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We spent about 2.5 hours.
Project Date
Year(From - To)