Main Heading
Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022
Sub Heading
Positive health
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries
Benificiaries In Text
50 SHG members & two teachers

Details Of Project
Our resource person Smt. Vasanti
Manjunath explained method of home medicine
from locally available green,fibers,
roots ,and how to prepare ointment
hairoil,etc. also she explained benifits
of home medicine. 60 and above
SHG members happily participate
in this training program at Andagere
Interior village LPs school.
Manjunath explained method of home medicine
from locally available green,fibers,
roots ,and how to prepare ointment
hairoil,etc. also she explained benifits
of home medicine. 60 and above
SHG members happily participate
in this training program at Andagere
Interior village LPs school.
Project Date
Year(From - To)