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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on April 21, 2023
Main Heading
Community Service - 2022
Amount Spent
No Of Beneficiaries
Benificiaries In Text
35 Senior Citizens
Details Of Project
On 16th April 2023, a talk on AWARENESS ABOUT SOCIAL WELFARE SCHEME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS was organised for the inmates of SAANIDHYA OLD AGE HOME.
Mr.Abhishek Prasad, Vice President of MAA Foundation, and working for BOSCH company addressed the gathering, guided them to get their AADHAR, OLD AGE PENSION, MEDICAL SUPPORT, SPECIAL COUNTERS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS etc.,
Mr. Niranjan under the name of Sharanya Trust is managing the old age home where 35 senior citizens who have no home or senior citizens who are away from their family and home are living here.
President Mrs.Rushmi Gowda, Editor Mrs.Shashikala Suresh, PP Mrs.Revathi Reddy, Member Mrs.Rajeshwari Nataraj attended the program and sponsored for their food. PP Mrs.Anitha co-ordinated the program.
Time spent - 3 hrs
Project Date
Year(From - To)