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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on September 10, 2023
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Serve To Each One Teach One
Amount Spent
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Benificiaries In Text
600 students
Details Of Project
Date: 9/9/2023
District: 318
Club Name: InnerWheel Club Puttur
Project name: IILM - Shiksha / Awareness program - Traffic rules and road safety
Project details: Our club along with Rotary Club Puttur Yuva conducted a program on "Road safety and traffic awareness" for about 600 high school students. DySP Dr. Gana P. Kumar, Traffic Police Chief Mr. Kutti and District 3181 Co-trainer of Rotary Mr. Shekar Shetty conducted sessions to all the students regarding the topic.
Beneficiaries: 600 High school students
Amount spent: INR 5000
Man hours: 20 hours
Number of members: 5
District Chairman- Mrs. Poornima Ravi
District Secretary- Mrs. Shabari Kadidal
District Editor - Mrs. Uma Mahesh
Club President - Mrs. Ashwini Krishna
Club Secretary - Mrs. Sridevi Rai
Club Editor - Mrs. Sudha Kariappa
Project Date
Year(From - To)