Our Innerwheel Club of Shimoga East's installation ceremony was conducted on 9th July 2021 i.e. on Friday at 3:30 p.m. AC Member Mrs. Varija Jagadeesh was the installation officer. Mrs. Jayanthi Wali got inducted as Club President for the year 2021-2022 and Mrs. Bindu Vijaykumar took incharge as club Secretary, Mrs. Rajeshwari Prathap as Club Treasurer, Mrs. Veena Suresh as Club ISO and Mrs. Vani Praveen as Club Editor. PDC Mrs. Bharathi Chandrashekar and PDC Mrs. Sudha Prasad were also present.
Our club member Namitha Suryanarayan donated the cheque of Rs.13000/- to the rotary school student for his annual academic fee. Miss Sanjana (daughter of our club member) donated Rs. 2000/- to the lady who works as attender in rotary school.
Four New Members by name Mrs.Sandhya Rani, Mrs. Suma Manjunath, Mrs.Krupa Manjunath and Mrs. Jyothi Prabhu got inducted to our club.