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Annual Report

Inner Wheel Club of Udupi

Annual Report

from 1st of July 2022 to 30th June 2024

INNER WHEEL YEAR 2022 - 2024


Name of Club: Inner Wheel Club of Udupi

Membership Strength: 45

Date of Inauguration:

Date of Charter Presentation:

Charter Number: 4387

Number of meeting conducted: 12

Number of districs events attended: 4

Number of national events attended:

Event Information

Events No Of Members Attended Percentage of attendance
District Assembly
District Rally
District Conference

Meeting Information

Date Meeting Description No. of members attended
M 1 Gen. Body meet hosted by Anuradha. Pres thanked members for the support during installation. Ann. future projects.Treasurer announced Bank opening balance, ISO appreciated members for taking part in Dist. Proj. Editor ann. compil. monthly E Bulletini
M 2 Gen. Body meet hosted by Mamatha Pres wished for Friendship day and Aati, ann. future proj. ISO cond quiz on Anaemia, members presented Aati dance and Aati food was served
M 4 Gen body Meet hosts Amita and Vani at Rotary Sc. hall. Pres. ann letter of Nomination from dist. ann future proj. cond games to sharpen brain Mental health day E bulletin releas. birthdays anniv celebrated.
M 3 Gen body Meet hosts Sapna, Sarita at Rotary Sc. hall. Pres. welcomed, wished the teachers in the club ann the future proj. Treas. inf about acc. bal. ISO declared prize winners of club cont. inf shared on NCD . Bdays and anniv. celeb. E Bul released
M 5 Gen body Meet hosts Sumangala. Padmini Pres. wished for Deepavali and Rajyotsava, fut proj. ann. members sang patriotic songs, lit lamps . ISO ann dist contest prizes comp cond by her E Bulletin released .
M 6 Gen body Meet hosts Deepa, Vidya VP ann arrival of delegates from IW C Malasia. Plans to host discussed. ISO prop ISO and Editor Meet for the Dist to be hosted Regist to atend Kanasu Dist conf . Appeal to form new team 2023-24
M 7 Gen body Meet host Vanita VP wished memb. on IIW Day. Memb dress represent diff states and nations. We had Margaret Golding too. Satyavathi was selected as Presid.23-24. The date for CoV ann 16th Feb 23. Plans discuss. Condolence to Sr Memb Kamalamma
M 8 Executive Comm Meet at Rot. Sc Hall. VP welcomed memb. Discussion abt DC off visit on 16th Feb Proposed to have only Club assembly in consult. with DC during CoV due to bereavement of President. Details of visit meeting dis. to Keep on a low profile
M 9 Gen body Meet host Satyavathi, Prema VP welcomed all, memb exp condol. to Dr Holla. Proposed to have only Club assembly for CoV in consult of DC. E Bulletin to be released by DC. Roles given to memb. new members to be inducted. 3 projects to be done .
M 10 Club Assembly with DC at Rotary Sc Hall. DC scrutinised books appreciated team for meticulous workMonetary help to Transgender, sewing machine to needy lady, medicine to cancer child given. 4 new memb. inducted. prizes to comp winners handed by DC
M11 Gen body Meet host Rashmi at residence . Pres welcomed memb. treasurer gave expense account of CoV. E bulletin was released, Birthdays and Ann. were celebrated.
M 12 Gen body Meet host Shaila, Malathy. President welcomed, Treasurer gave details of bank account. Bulletin released , birthdays and ann. celebrated f

Project Details

Heading Number of projects conducted Number of hours spent No of beneficiaies Total amount spent
111 hrs
Rs 1,09,620
2 1/2 hrs
Rs 7,270
2. 1/4hrs
Rs 22,750
4 hrs
Rs 4,500
1/2 hr
Rs 5000
9 hrs
Rs 92,947
3 1/4 Hrs
Rs 3,350
3 1/2 hrs
Rs 830
21 1/2
534 + Many
Rs 77,300
4 1/2 hrs
Rs 25,380
35 hrs
126+ many
Rs 18,700
1 1/2hr
20+ Many
1 and1/4 hr
Rs 17,286
Total 94
4,328 +Many

Club Events

Installation of Team for the year 2022-23

Event Date:
Nutan Ravindra Mantap, MGM College Kunjubettu, Udupi

3rd July I W Club Udupi had the Installation of the new office bearers. PP Jaylakshmi Upadhya was the Installing officer and Dr Annapurna Upadhya was the Chief Guest. 

Ms Rashmi Holla President  Ms Deepa Bhandary - Secretary Ms Shalini R - Treasurer  Ms Surekha Kalkura - ISO Ms Vaishnavi Acharya - Editor 

The Club Bulletin Kasturi was released by the Rotary President.

Our ISO exchanged a flag with the Secretary of I W Club of Pune Imperial Dist 313on that day.

13 children of security men were given school bags and one student was given the whole years college fees.


District Assembly Niyathi

Event Date:

9th and 10th  July 2022 17 members registered for the 53rd District Assembly Niyati at Moodabidri. I W C Udupi received the Mega Achievers Award 

Our member Deepa Bhandary was inducted as CGR for Udupi Zone by the DC Kavita Niyath. It’s a new post created in 22-23



Event Date:

Date February 16th 20223.

We had the official visit of our beloved Chairman Ms Kavitha Niyath 

Dress Code- To wear handloom saris/dresses to pay our respects to the people working at it.  

We had 3 Projects. during our CoV

Medication to juvenile cancer patient

Donated a sewing machine to a needy lady

Sponsored a substantial amount of Rs 644,000 for a transgender to buy an autorickshaw.  



Women & Adolescent girl welfare - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
2nd July Third year Nursing students were given informative talk on how to handle Medical Emergency and how to administer CPR in emergency by Dr B V Acharya and Dr Sangeeta Holla.
Dr B V Acharya and Dr Sangeeta Holla were felicitated it being Doctors Day.
Time 1hr 30 Mins.

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 42
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
7th January 2023 We engaged the 50 children of ShriKrishna Balaniketan an orphanage in a very beautiful activity of making kites.
The Secretary narrated the story of Makar Sankranti, connected it to Kite flying in Gujarath. The children were served traditional Sankranti food. The smile and joy on the children's faces was very satisfying Time 3 1/2 hrs.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 58
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
14th Feb We have sponsored training for 10 nursing students from Mitra school of Nursing for 15 days at Aradhana Old Age Home. It houses 38 old, sick, physically and mentally disabled patients. Time 90 hours
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
8th Oct IWC Udupi had a joint meeting with RC Manipal. 2 Resource people from Bharatiya Vikas Trust gave good awareness about how solar energy can be harnessed to empower women and help them strengthen their family economy. They also informed abt the various trainings given to women to be independent
Time 11\2 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 75
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
10th Oct On the occasion of World Mental Health Day we arranged for an Awareness talk for the PU students of Milagres PU College, Kalliyanpura.
Dr Ashwini Kumar from KMC Manipal had an Interactive session with the students.
He spoke about Goal setting., Emotional Quotient and how to have a good EQ, Cyber Crime, Mobile Usage, importance of self-awareness, positive thinking , me time, importance of being
mentally healthy to be physically healthy. Time 1hr 15mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 104
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
16th February 23 IWC Udupi donated a sewing machine to a needy lady.
Time 15 mins.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
16th Feb. 23 IWC Udupi donated Rs 64,000/- to a TRANSGENDER towards payment of auto rickshaw loan down-payment.
Time 15 mins.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
9th March 2023 Inner Wheel Club Udupi in collaboration with Manipal Mahila Samaj and Rotary Manipal arranged for a meaningful awareness talk on Digital innovation and its impact on students and duties rights and responsibilities of students at Government Composite High School Volakkadu.
The resource person was Dr Vanita Thorvi the Indian Ambassador for Child Rights, was honored as it was International Women's Day.
Time 2 hrs.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
12th August IWC Udupi arranged an informative talk by Dr B G Dharmanand Rheumatologist ‘Are Joint pain and Arthritis inevitable on the zoom platform . Memebrs from the district were invited, Our District Chairman Kavita mam graced the occasion
Time 1and half hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 25
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
10th August Our member Nirmala Prabhakar legal Advisor gave an informative talk on POCSO Act 2012 to the PU students of Milagres College Kalliyanpur.
Time 1.5 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 150
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
14th March 2023 Inner Wheel Club Udupi donated an Incinerator to burn the menstrual pads to Milagres P U College where there are nearly 300 girl students taking admission every year.
Time 1 hr.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
26th August An Awareness talk was given for the primary children of Kukkikatte Primary School about healthy diet, oral hygiene and hand wash techniques by Dr Dr B G Acharya a Senior physician. He also announced an Essay writing competition for the children about the same topic .
Time 1.5hours
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 94
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st August An Awareness talk was given for the children of Kadiyali Primary School about dental hygiene by Dr Radhika a paediatric Dentist with slide shows. A quiz was conducted about the same and tooth paste tubes was given as prizes.
Time 1.5hours
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 62
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
9th March 2023 Dr Vanita Thorvi the Indian Ambassador for Child Rights, was honored as it was International Women's Day. She is a renown writer, columnist, poet , dramatist and great fighter for Child Rights.
Time 2 hrs.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
26th July Students of class 8, 9 and 10 of Milagres Kannada High School were given an Awareness Talk separately for boys and girls.
Girls were told about - Menstrual Care, Hygiene, How to preserve their Chastity.
Boys were told about good touch bad touch. Screen time, food and nutrition physical activity.Peer pressure, drug addiction, Adolescent behavior.
Dr Ashwin Kumar and Dr Indira Shanbogue were the Resource people .
Time 1 hr each
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 150
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
23rd July – The inmates of Planet Mars Foundation A girl Child Care Institute were given a talk about Legal Awareness by – Nirmala Prabhakar a Legal Advisor and our club member on Women and girl Trafficking, care, protection and rehabilitation.
Time 1 hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 27
Project Date:
Details Of Project:

19th July – Students of class 6 and 7 of Ambalpady Kidiyoor Vidya Samudra English medium school were given an Awareness Talk separately for boys and girls on good touch bad touch. Screen time, food and nutrition physical activity.
Girls were also told about - Menstrual Care, Hygiene, How to preserve their Chastity
Dr Ashwin Kumar and Dr Indira Shanbogue were the Resource people .
Time 60 mins each
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 50
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
On 23rd April our Secretary Deepa Bhandary gave an informative talk on Mental Health Awareness on Zoom Platform
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 20

Environment - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
E Environment
19th July – I W C Udupi sponsored for 100 cashew fruit Saplings to be planted at Indira Shivarao Polytechnic College We participated in planting them.
Time 2 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
18th Oct IWC Members collected E Waste from their houses and acquaintances and handed over to Purple Space Udupi who will use it for Upscaling, reuse and disposing unused things through the right channel. We also got to see many things reused and upscaled in the organisation.
Time 30 mins

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
10th August I W C Udupi sponsored for fruit bearing saplings to Asha Nilaya Rehabillitation Centre for Special Children, Udupi.
Time 15 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
26th August IW C Udupi donated 2 dustbins for segregation of wet and dry waste to Kukkikatte Primary School
Time 15mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 92

Cancer - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th Oct IWC Udupi donated Financial Aid to a needy youngster Ryan suffering from Leukaemia for his treatment.
Time 10 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:

16th Sept I W C Udupi donated Rs 10000 towards medical expenses of a needy breast cancer patient.
The patient and her care giver, her young daughter were both counseled as well.
Time 1/2hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th Oct IWC Udupi donated Rs 12,500 to a needy youngster suffering from Leukaemia for his treatment.
Time 10 mins

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
30th July - Awareness talk about Breast Cancer , techniques of breast self-examination for members and interested ladies . It was conducted by Dr Leela Thomas at Lombard Mission Hospital.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 30

Anemia - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
2nd July First year Nursing students of Mitra Nursing school Udupi were tested for Anemia and after check up suitable medication and valuable information was shared . 10 students were given iron supplements.
Time 4hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 50

Retention & Ex tension in Inner Wheel - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
16th Feb ’23 4 members were inducted to the club by the DC during her official visit.
Time 30 mins.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 4
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st March 2023 Inner Wheel Club Udupi put up a big Banner on the main road leading to the VII Rotary Conference Jayaho 2023 greeting and wishing the delegates on behalf of Inner Wheel Club Udupi.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Branding of the I W C Udupi happened by publishing the project done in the local newspaper.
Honouring Dr Torvi Child Right Activist representing India at the UN
Handing over auto keys to Transgender Kavtia Mary.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Publicity received by the club as the projects conducted were reported in the local newspaper.
Women empowerment
Uniform handing over at Indira nagar Govt school.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many

Education - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
8th Oct Education Financial Support We handed over a cheque of Rs 5000/ to a needy nursing student Manjula as help for her education.
Time 10 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
23rd July 27 students of Planet Mars Foundation Kalliyanpura a Girl Child Care institute were given stationery – note books of different types, drawing and craft material, pens glue, chart paper, legal paper and drawing paper.
Time 15 mins
Benificiaries 27 students
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 27
Project Date:
Details Of Project:

14th Feb. We have sponsored 3 Teachers Tables to Kukkikatte Govt Primary School.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 90
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
3rd July 13 students children of security guard were given school bags.
Time 10 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 13
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
3rd July Educational help for needy child Neha 1 year college fees Time 10 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
18th Nov As a part of Children’s day program we took the students of class 6 and 7 of Kukkikate Govt Primary school to T M A Pai Planetarium. The children are from Shri Krishna Balaniketan orphanage or very poor labour class families. They were very happy with the show.
After the show we treated the children with snacks.
35 children 2 teachers Time 2 hrs

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 41
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
6th Sept - I W C Udupi conducted Essay writing comp. for the students of Kukkikatte Primary School and awarded prizes to all participants
Time 30 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 87
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
23rd Oct Our Secretary Deepa Bhandary conducted an E Learning Session for the members. She taught us how we can visit the District sight and see the updated projects. How we need to upload our club projects in the website. She also taught us how to make fliers for announcing our club projects. It was a very useful learning session.
Time 2 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 10
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
6th Sept - I W C Udupi donated Sports material to the students of Kukkikatte Primary School.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 87
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
7th Sept - E 'Education I W C Udupi honoured 2 retired teachers for their selfless service. After retirement they are still serving the school and also sponsoring for teacher’s salary so that the students do not suffer
Time 1/2hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 2
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st August A video was shown to the primary children of Kadiyali Primary School children to motivate them to bring their peers back to school if they are drop outs.
A Quiz on Independence day was conducted and prizes awarded.
Time 30 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 62
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st August E Donated a carrom board to the primary children of Kadiyali Primary School
Time 30 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 62
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
11th August 121 sets of Uniforms were sponsored for the students of Indira Nagar Govt School Children.
Time 1 hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 121

Other Medical Assistance - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st August A First Aid Kit was given for the primary children of Kadiyali Primary School. They were also told about the usage of the same.
175 students Time 15mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 175
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
3rd Dec IW C Udupi conducted a Bone Density checkup camp at Mitra Nursing Home.
More than 40+ availed the facility. The general public, people from different strata of society came for the check up.
More than 25 members were detected for osteoporosis. They were suggested medication by Dr B G Acharya. Severe cases were referred to the Orthopedic department.
Time 3 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 40

Breast Feeding Awareness Week - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
10th August We joined CSI Lombard Hospital for the breastfeeding awareness program. We distributed informative pamphlets to the ladies assembled in the OPD.
The nursing students participated in a poster making competition and also had a demo on proper method of breast feeding and a PPT on the same. It was a very informative prog. Time 2 hrs

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 120
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
16th August We joined Mitra Nursing School for the breastfeeding awareness program at Anganwadi Kendra Shrinivas Nagar. We distributed informative pamphlets to the ladies assembled there.
The nursing students prepared posters and explained the benefits and needs of breast feeding. They demonstrated the proper style of breast feeding and presented a skit. It was a very informative prog. We distributed ladoos to all assembled there.
Time 1hr 30 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 65

Community Service - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
April 29th Got a play equipment repaired at Chinara Udiyana Ambalpady, where lots of children spend their evening time.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th January 2023 We sponsored towards the medical expenses of a poor lady suffering from Glaucoma.
Time 1/2 hr.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
14th January 2023 Inner Wheel Club Udupi sponsored ayurvedic medicines, fruits, biscuits, tea pwd. For the inmates of an old age home 'Appa Amma Brahmavar'.
Time 1 hr.

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 30
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
14th January 2023 Inner Wheel Club Udupi sponsored ayurvedic medicines, fruits, biscuits, tea pwd. Knee caps, diabetic stripes a less used medical cot and walker for the inmates of 'Snehalaya Old Age Home ,Brahmavar'.
Time 1 hr.

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 30
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st June I W C Udupi conducted a health checkup camp for the general public at Mitra Hospital, . the BPL card holders were given free medication,
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
9th January 2023 I W C Udupi sponsored for one days afternoon lunch for the participants of the Alcoholic Deaddiction Camp at Dr A V Baliga hospital Doddanagudde.
Time 1/2 hr

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 63
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
26th Dec Our member Girija Rao visited Balaniketan on the occasion of her birthday and honoured Mataji, the caretaker of the children and sponsored their afternoon lunch.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 50
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th August We conducted 8 different type of competitions for the students and also awarded them prizes on the occasion of our 75th Independence day celebrations. Snacks were served to the students
Time 3 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 100
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th Oct IWC Udupi organised a Health camp along with Primary Health Care centre Gujjarbettu. Dr Vrinda ophthalmologist, Dr Satish Pai dermatologist, Dr B G Acharya General Medicine and Dr Shikha gynecologist , nursing students from Mitra School of Nursing, Asha Karyakartekas, Members of I W club Udupi were all part of this Mega project . We contributed to the cost of medicines, and distributed certificates to the volunteers. Gujjarbettu is an interior village consisting of migrant population Total patients registered -160 but they got themselves tested from all the specialists.
Registered Eye camp – 76 Eye surgery – 9 Specs - 16 pts Skin - 70pts Gynae – 26 General medicine – 30
Time 4 hrs

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 160
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
20th Oct The orphanage takes care of abandoned children. 10 infants in the cradle, 6 children on supported cots suffering from cerebral palsy and the other 22 under the age of 10, 1 who is totally blind.
We conducted games , gave them toys, big balloons, diapers, ceralac, lactodex, biscuits and today evenings tiffin of vermicelli pulao, curds raita and sheera.
Time 11\2 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 50
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
17th Sept I W C Udupi members spent 2 and a half hours of quality time with the residents of Green Valley Retirees. We entertained them with dance, songs, a motivational talk and games by members and trained Bharath Natyam and Yakshagana artists. The members too participated enthusiastically and were joyo
Time 2 1/2hr

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 50

Handicap & Spastic - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
25th Nov We visited Karunya Special School Padukere and handed over 2 cupboards, and a table at their request. We also treated them with snacks. We spent some time with those children.
Expenses - 20000/ for furniture+ 1500 for snacks Time 1 1/2 hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 36
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
8th August. I W C Udupi visited Asha Nilaya Rehabilitation Centre for Special Children, Udupi and spent time with the inmates. Dr B G Acharya conducted a general medical examination for the inmates and gave them guidance and suggested medication if required.
All the inmates were given a cup of warm Horlicks .
Time 2 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 110

Fellowship - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th August 26 Members gathered together to show our Solidarity dressed in the colours of our Tricolour and participated in a Photo competition conducted by a neighboring club.
Time 1 hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 26
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
10th July Our Club ISO could extend Fellowship with 4 clubs and they exchanged flags during Niyati the District Assembly.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
28th Jan 4 members from our club visited I W Padubidri on the occasion of their Chairman’s Club visit.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
Jan 29th 9 members visited Inner Wheel Club Surathkal as it was the CoV and their Silver Jubilee Celebration.

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
30th Jan 4 members visited Inner Wheel Club Moodabidri and enjoyed their hospitality and variety entertainment on the occasion of the CoV.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st Feb We also extended our warmth of friendship by visiting our PP Ms Vijaylakshmi on her 80th birthday who is relocated in Mangalore now. Her joy knew no bounds on seeing us.

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: MANY
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
July 3rd Our ISO Surekha exchanged a flag with the Secretary of I W Club of Pune Imperial Dist 313.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
12th July Our CGR Deepa Bhandary, President Rashmi Holla and 2 members attended the Installation ceremony of I W Club Kota Saligrama.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st July 19 members of our club participated in the Competition conducted by the District ISO on Doctors day.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
23rd April Had a Joint meeting on Zoom with Manipal Udupi Toastmasters and learnt a few tips on Public speaking
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 20
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
8th July Our CGR Deepa Bhandary and 3 members attended the Installation ceremony of I W Club Shankerpura. The PP of IW Club Udupi Malathi Tantri was the Installing officer.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
7th July Our CGR Deepa Bhandary and 2 members attended the Installation ceremony of I W Club Kundapur South.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
29th April Members from the club joined for an outing to Parshuram theme park, Karkala Shri Venkatramana temple Temple and Bailur Mutt.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 7
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
23rd Dec. Members from 3 Inner Wheel Clubs of Malasia visited us and we had a fellowship meet with them. The Club ISO Ms Surekha exchanged the club Flags and mementoes to commemorate their visit to our club.
Time 3 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st Feb. 23 8 members from Inner Wheel Club Udupi attended CoV at I WC Mangalore North and enjoyed their hospitality and Musical Notes.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries:
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st Dec ISO Surekha and members met the PP of IW C Pune Ms Jayshri and IW C Pune North Ms Meena Dist 313 who were members of a Car Rally on a visit to Manipal. We spent some time with them and exchanged the club flag.
Time 1/2 hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries:
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
6th August We celebrated the local 'AATIDE ONJI DINA' in the club during the meeting. A member spoke about the observations during this period, about the traditional games played the food eaten during this time . A group of members surprised the members with a traditional Aati Dance Members were made aware of our rich culture and heritage. We spent quality time with each other.
Time 2 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 35
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
4th Jan 2023 Members from 3 IW C of Udupi zone were invited by IW C Byndoor for a fellowship meet to celebrate New year and International Inner Wheel Day with them. Delicious personally made food spread . Games were organized and we spent quality time with them.
Time 4.5 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 60
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
26th Nov ISO Surekha and members met the PDC Dist 314 Ms Padmini who was on a visit to Manipal. We spent some time with her and exchanged the club flag.
Time 1.5 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries:
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
18th Nov ISO Surekha and members met the DVC Ms Seema Kapoor from Dist 308 who was on her visit to Manipal and spent some time with her and exchanged the club flag.
Time 45 mins
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries:
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
The club ISO Surekha Kalkura arranged for a photography competition for the members of the district. They had to capture a photograph with their family members celebrating Deepawali . The Prizes were declared on Oct 30th
1st Shobha Koletthaya IWC Puttur
2nd P.N Nandini IWC Mysore North
3rd Sumati Venkatesh IWC Chamarajanagara

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th Feb 23 2 members from Inner Wheel Club Udupi attended CoV at Kota Saligrama and enjoyed the picnic at King of Kings Island.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries:
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th Feb 23 8 members from Inner Wheel Club Udupi attended CoV at I WC Kundapur South and enjoyed their hospitality and their Silver Jubilee function
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries:
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
17th Feb 23 6 members from Inner Wheel Club Udupi attended CoV at I WC Shankerpura enjoyed their hospitality.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries:
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
2nd Sept Our ISO Surekha Kalkura and the ISO of I W Club Club Mapuca Dist 317 exchanged flags at the Krishna temple premises when Akshata visited Udupi .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: CLUB MEMBERS
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
7th March 2023 Members from Inner Wheel Club Udupi enjoyed a day’s excursion with fun and frolic at King of Kings Island.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many

Indian Art & Culture - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:
15th August We were invited to participate in flag hoisting by the Mitra hospital.
We felicitated 2 senior doctors on the 75th Independence Day Dr Savitri Daitotta and Dr B G Acharya who have seen our Country since pre independence days. Sweets were distributed to the students.
Time 2 hrs
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: Many
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
28th Sept We had a joint meeting with Rotary Udupi and celebrated Navratri with Dandia. Our members sang devotional songs, did a dance and performed the Dandia dance.
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 75
Project Date:
Details Of Project:
1st Nov All the Members from our Club assembled to celebrate Karnataka Rajyotsava day. We lit lamps and sang Patriotic songs in Kannada. We were all dressed in red and yellow our state colours. Members were made aware of our rich culture and heritage.
Time 1/2 hr .
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 35

Continuous projects - 2022

Project Date:
Details Of Project:

19th April 2023 Inner Wheel Club Udupi sponsored Hi tea, daily requirements of basic provisions, diapers, fruits, dry fruits and ayurvedic pain relieving oils, gastric pain relievers to the senior citizens , inmates of Belaku Old Age Home .
Time 1 hr
Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 23
Project Date:
Details Of Project:

C Cancer
16th Feb 23 IWC Udupi sponsored the medical bill of Rs 5176/ for Mallikarjun 5 yrs suffering from Blood cancer
Time 15 mins.

Amount Spent Rs.:
No Of Beneficiaries: 1