We conducted the Photo Competetion for 4 zones of Anganwadi centers in and around Moodbidri. we got more than 500 entries and prizes were distributed zone wise.
Begin July, and it’s a new year and a new beginning to all the Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs. With Asha Mahesh at the helm of Inner Wheel Midtown this year, her team is all set to make an impact. IIW Theme for the year 2021-22 is “PINK FIRST” which is a flush of love, stands for nurturing femininity and a colour of empowerment.
Pandemic has bot with it a lot of adversities affecting the livelihood of many families. A silent suffering section of the society consists of Children's who have been caged inside the house being Deprived of Physical activities. Another Challenge they face is the Online teaching learning process. We cannot stop the activities of the children being online classes, watching TV but with small changes we can protect their eyes.